Synesthesia, Web 3.0, Alexa, and Brain Symmetry.

Week 2 of weird things I Googled:

1) Is web 3.0 really going to happen? Is it just putting blockchain and privacy updates in motion?

Forbes Says:

Web 3.0 will bring us a fairer internet by enabling the individual to be a sovereign. True sovereignty implies owning and being able to control who profits from one’s time and information. Web 3.0’s decentralized blockchain protocol will enable individuals to connect to an internet where they can own and be properly compensated for their time and data, eclipsing an exploitative and unjust web, where giant, centralized repositories are the only ones that own and profit from it..

So, basically- Web 3.0 will take our current reality: making content with the intention of monetizing audiences and selling them, and flip it on its head. We will be forced into real consumer-centricity, while continuing to create content that audiences find to be truly valuable. Content as currency vs. content as clutter.

2) Who named Alexa, and why did we pick Alexa?

Jeff Bezos named her, with the help of engineers. Alexa was named after the library of Alexandria in Egypt, a large learning center. Some also say letter “x” being a hard consonant makes the word more recognizable. They also considered the names Finch, Friday, Samantha, and Amazon.

3) What is NBC Unified?

Today, NBCUniversal announced a first-party identify platform with unique identifiers able to reach 150 million consumers. Like their clean room product (part of One Platform), NBC Unified takes both a collaborative and privacy-centric approach. What does that actually mean? Marketers will leverage individual partnerships to share their first party data to unlock attributes for planning and activation. The tool boasts the ability to leverage and match on existing segments as well as predictive targeting models.

4) Why do i sometimes hear piano as a melody across hands and other times I hear left vs. right hand?

The combination of staffs and/or clefs is referred to as the Grand Staff, which is how piano music is written and played. Keeping it simple, in most cases, your left hand plays bass and your right hand plays treble clef. So… why do I sometimes hear them very separately? This one shocked me. Trained musicians’ brains fire symmetrically when they listen to music. WHAT? I guess my background has forced my brain to break things down that should be relaxing and pleasant to listen to, fun. Also, the left side of your brain is more likely to translate the melodic content and sustained sounds, while the right is decoding speech content.

5) Who owns Neustar?

I recently learned that Neustar and Bera have announced a partnership. Neustar is a technology and analytics services company. Offering similar identity services to LiveRamp, Addressable Targeting solutions like Fabrick, as well as competitive MMM products- Neustar is a leader in their space. Bera, a predictive brand technology system, will be a welcomed partner to their portfolio. The partnership gives Neustar a competitive advantage in MMM, the ability to integrate brand metrics with engagement and demand will provide a true closed-loop marketing system. Excited to see what this looks like in action in the coming months. Back to the question- TransUnion bought Neustar at the end of 2021.. Crazy and scary how much power credit reporting agencies now have… (like Experian marketing services).

6) Why do I see colors or shapes when I listen to music?

Apparently, this is called Synesthesia:

A neurological condition in which information meant to stimulate one of your senses stimulates several of your senses. People who have synesthesia are called synesthetes. Synesthetes can often “see” music as colors when they hear it, and “taste” textures like “round” or “pointy” when they eat foods.

Finally, I feel seen, and heard


Nudges, Metacognition, and Shower Thoughts


So, what’s with Meta?